Overlooked Bible passages on the final war against white race

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ÉPISODE 11 Daniel 9-11 announces three key moments: Constantine around 300, Hitler around 1950 and the great tribulation around 2055 ÉPISODE 8 A Church operating in secret (incognito) will remain alive until Jesus returns

Daniel 9-11 announces three key moments: Constantine around 300, 
    Hitler around 1950 and the great tribulation around 2055


PART 1 Daniel 9 divides history into 70 weeks of 30 years to
follow after the writing of the Bible 

A) The general chronological framework and the two anointed 
   ones: Constantine and Hitler
B) Hitler's death will trigger a flood of immigration
   that will constantly intensify until the end
C) The jews gradually install the abomination of
   desolation and start the great tribulation

PART 2: Daniel 11 describes the key stages of the conflict 
        between Aryan mankind and the rest of the world

D) The First World War
E) World War II
F) The Marshall Plan
G) More and more top leadership positions in the Western 
   states are increasingly openly taken over by jews
H) After the Cold War, the jew starts the final globalization 
   stage so as to shape the whole humankind according to 
   his worldview
I) The Jew starts to partially lose the control of the 
   non-white world around the time of writing (2022)
J) The Jew completes around 2050-2060 the installation of the 
   abomination of desolation, starting the great tribulation
K) Even the strongest men will completely drop their 
   guard in front of the gas chamber myth
L) A more uncertain future when the jewish dominated Aryan 
   mankind will even turn against its own fatherland

Foreword: The prophecies written by Daniel 2500 years ago 
contain a certain degree of mystery. Even Daniel himself 
could not completely understand them all.  In verse 12:9, an 
angel said to him: "the words are closed up and sealed until 
the time of the end".  Indeed, these prophecies have been 
sealed for a long time: to decode them, we need to match 
them to a series of past events or historical processes. I 
think we finally arrived in 2022 at a time when we can start 
this work.

PART 1 Daniel 9 divides history into 70 weeks of 30 years to 
       follow after the writing of the Bible 

A) The general chronological framework and the two anointed 
   ones: Constantine and Hitler

>Daniel 9:24 Seventy "sevens" are decreed  
>for your people and your holy city to     
>finish transgression, to put an end to    
>sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring    
>in everlasting righteousness, to seal up  
>vision and prophecy and to anoint the     
>Most Holy Place.                          

The traditional reading associates this verse with the 70 
years of exile of the ancient Israelites in Babylon.  
Although this level of reading is (also) possible, I 
consider here an interpretation concerning the future: 
these 70 years or 70 periods point to the moment when God 
will restore his "holy city" or his "Most Holy Place", to
"put an end to sin" and "bring in everlasting righteousness". 
This may mark the end of world history as we have always 
known it. The new kingdom of God will replace all forms of 
organization and all kingdoms that mankind has ever 
conceived.  As described by the last sentence of Episode 1 
[citing Daniel 2:44 NLT], "the God of heaven will set up a 
kingdom that will never be destroyed; no one will ever 
conquer it.  It will shatter all these kingdoms into 
nothingness, but it will stand forever."

There are also certain similarities between the exile of the 
ancient Israelites in Babylon and the migratory phenomena 
concerning the Aryan peoples of Europe today. We certainly 
have no trains that take us into exile, but Europe itself is 
invaded by countless foreign races.  Thus, Europe itself has 
become a land of exile, a new Babylonian kingdom, 
characterized by excessive hedonism and racial chaos, all 
in a context of unrestricted commercial trade that favors 
race mixing, identitary confusion and moral relativism.

>Daniel 9:25 Know and understand this:  
>From the time the word goes out to     
>restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the
>Anointed One,[Or an anointed one; also 
>in verse 26] the ruler, comes, there   
>will be seven "sevens" and sixty-two  

The first question is: when is the moment when "word goes 
out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem"? For Christians, the 
physical city of Jerusalem foreshadows the new Jerusalem, 
the heavenly (or spiritual) Jerusalem. It is the capital of 
God's Kingdom. For several years after Jesus's death, the 
physical city of Jerusalem was naturally the capital of 
Christendom.  The first council was there held in 50 AC.  
But after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70, 
the apostles had to work to build a new Jerusalem, that is, 
a new Christian kingdom with other centers of power (Rome, 
Alexandria, etc.). The moment when "word goes out to     
restore and rebuild Jerusalem" points approximately to the 
time when the Bible was finalized. The Bible represents this 
"word" sent out to rebuild the kingdom of God.

The last book of the Bible (Revelation) was written around 
the year 90. Its Wikipedia entry (translated from French) 
says: "The majority of modern theological scholars agree 
that Revelation was written towards the end of the reign of 
Domitian, in any case during the reign of this Roman 
emperor, between the years 80 and 96." I prefer to take the 
year 90 as a reference point, but we must accept a tolerance 
margin of around 5-6 years for all the chronological 
calculations that I will present later.

The second question is: who is this "Anointed One" mentioned 
by verse 25? Citing an idea from episode 4bis, "Many have 
made the mistake of thinking that each time the Bible 
mentions a future king, it must necessarily be Jesus 
Christ".  Thus, many have automatically associated this 
anointed one with Jesus Christ. However, the indication 
above in square brackets (a footnote of the NIV translation) 
states that it is "an anointed one" rather than "the 
Anointed One". Since Jesus Christ cannot be an anointed one 
among others, I propose a different interpretation.  This 
passage mentions two anointed ones: the first one arrives 
after 7 periods (weeks) and the second one after 62 periods.  
According to an idea that I have already used when I made an 
equivalence between 10 days and 300 years (episode 9, point 
C), the length of a period can be fixed to 30 years.  This 
leads to two key moments:

1) 90+7*30 = 300
2) 90 + 62*30 = 90 + 1860 = 1950

Given the reasonable margin of tolerance of 5-6 years, we 
identify these two key moments with two great warriors 
who marked the history of the peoples of Europe:

1) Constantine was emperor (or co-emperor) of the Roman 
Empire starting in 306. He played a truly unique and crucial 
role in Church history, because he legalized Christianity.  
His famous Edict of Milan put an end to the terrible Roman 
persecution institutionalized by his predecessors.  Shortly 
after this edict of toleration (in just a few decades), 
Christianity exploded to become the dominant religion of 
the Roman Empire.

2) Hitler died in 1945. He not only exposed the Jewish 
monster to the light of day, but he defined in a very clear 
and admirable way the notion of Aryan civilization.

Several of Daniel's prophecies evoke Greece and an enigmatic 
Empire of the North. A first level of reading can stop at 
ancient Greece. But the more general level of reading that 
interests us here is the one conceptualized by Hitler.  
Leon Degrelle expressed his vision as follows:

"For him, Germany was only an instrument 
in the same way that France of 1800 was 
only an instrument for Napoleon. The 
latter was half Italian, whereas Hitler 
was Austrian; both of them wanted to 
realize an imperial dream that must 
logically exceed the narrow boundaries 
of their countries of adoption. I once 
asked Hitler what he was, whether he was 
German or European, and he gave me this 
quite surprising answer: "I am Greek".  
By this he meant how much he felt he was 
the heir of the whole European culture, 
old of three thousand years, built on 
this vast space that goes from the Germanic 
forests to the Mediterranean coasts."

I continue the analysis of verse 25.

>Daniel 9:25 (continuation) It will be    
>rebuilt with streets and a trench but in 
>times of trouble.                        

The new Jerusalem, or the Christian Church, has been indeed 
rebuilt "in times of trouble", because the Church 
experienced countless tragedies and hardships during during 
its two millennia of existence. The history of Christian 
Europe is nothing but an endless list of wars; the Church 
was vandalized countless times. The task was long and 
difficult; the Christians who contributed to it had to be 
more combative and heroic than the modern ones.

This passage describes the new Jerusalem as a city protected 
by a trench (or by a wall in other translations). The 
traditional Church has always had borders that the 
Christians often defended at the risk of their lives, for 
example, by repelling Muslims invaders countless times.  
This is the perfect opposite of the attitude of the modern 
church, that has been seduced by the Jewish idea that any 
moral human construction must be "without borders", because 
borders would be non-inclusive, politically incorrect, etc.

If the European Christian fortress was surrounded by a 
trench, it is (also) because the Christians of the time had 
a strong will to defend their collective identity.  We 
should not limit the interpretation to the strictly physical 
level.  Any physical construction is the expression of a 
moral structure. Hitler explains in Mein Kampf that 
"Bastions of fortresses will not save it (note: speaking of 
the people organized in state), but the living wall of its 
men and women, filled with an ardent love for their country 
and a passionate spirit of national patriotism".  And if 
this is true at a national level, it must also be true for 
the race, for its spirituality and for its religion.

B) Hitler's death will trigger a flood of immigration
   that will constantly intensify until the end

>Daniel 9:26  After the sixty-two           
>"sevens," the Anointed One will be put     
>to death and will have nothing.            

It was not only Hitler who was "put to death". His whole 
doctrine and worldview were outlawed after 1945; we can not 
even mention the notion of Aryan mankind in the public 
sphere.  However, certain translations (see NLT) say 
"appearing to have accomplished nothing". This meaning has 
also been favored by the theological scholars who have 
seen Jesus Christ in this prophecy. I explained above why I 
do not think this prophecy is about Jesus; nonetheless, I 
find a real Christ-like aspect: Hitler and his followers 
were destroyed by the Jews of their time, yet their spirit 
will arise.

>Daniel 9:26 (continuation) The people of   
>the ruler who will come will destroy the   
>city and the sanctuary. The end will       
>come like a flood: War will continue       
>until the end, and desolations have been   
The new master of the world is the jew who has decided to 
destroy "the city and the sanctuary", that is, the European 
construction and its (Christian) spirituality.  This war 
against Aryan mankind -- also called the war of Gog and 
Magog in the episodes 4, 4bis, 9 and 10 -- continues by 
bringing in endless waves of immigrants. Our fatherland is 
flooded with alien races and this will "continue until the 
end" without interruption.

C) The jews gradually install the abomination of
   desolation and start the great tribulation

>Daniel 9:27 He will confirm a covenant 
>with many for one seven. In the middle 
>of the seven he will put an end to     
>sacrifice and offering. And at the     
>temple he will set up an abomination   
>that causes desolation, until the end  
>that is decreed is poured out on him.  

After 1945, mankind accepted to rebuild itself on an 
ideological foundation largely restricted to moral values 
acceptable to jews. Everybody agreed to banish anti-Semitism 
and to never throw any collective guilt on jews.  This new 
way of thinking often defines evil by reducing it to Nazism 
or to Hitler.  All this shows the "covenant" confirmed "with 
many".  The Western economy worked quite well for 2-3 
decades after the war; many thought that it would go on like 
that for a long time, at least "for one seven" (see 
chronology below).

But history has shown this was an illusory hope.  Under the 
cover of an ideal of universal brotherhood, the Jews 
gradually continued their vast war against Aryan mankind. 
Halfway through the seven periods mentioned above ("In the 
middle of the seven"), organized Jewry will finish 
installing the "abomination that causes desolation".

I suggest the following chronology. These 7 periods 
[composing the above 'seven'] are added to the 62 weeks 
elapsed between 90 and 1950. They thus cover a period of 
approximately 7*30=210 years. The abomination that causes 
desolation will be completely established about halfway 
through these 210 years, that is, after roughly 105 years, 
around the year 1950+105=2055. Since we suffer from a slow 
apocalypse manipulated by the jews from the shadows, I don't 
believe there will be a clear-cut demarcation in 2055.  
Rather, I would say that the decade 2050-2060 will mark a 
turning point when (the tyranny of) this abomination that 
causes desolation [note: also called "the sacrilegious 
object that causes desecration"] will be fully functional.  
This moment will also mark the beginning of the great 
tribulation, according to the sermon of Jesus mentioned at 
point J) below.

We can extrapolate from the current situation to try to 
anticipate this abomination that will mark the beginning of 
the great tribulation. We can already see in 2022 that the 
Aryan man has fewer and fewer rights and less and less 
power.  But the Jews have not reached their worst yet. If in 
2022 there are still countless white men who have a decent 
job and live relatively well, I think their number will 
decline decade after decade.  The world ruling clique will 
probably establish an incredible tyranny that will unleash 
all the forces of hell to crush all that remains of European 

I think the great tribulation will continue for the second 
half of these 7 periods, to cover approximately the years 
2055-2160. Other biblical prophecies on the great 
tribulation mention 3.5 years. Other prophetic writings say 
42 months or 1260 days. Still others use the expression "a 
time, times and half a time", see also Note 1.

PART 2: Daniel 11 describes the key stages of the conflict 
        between Aryan mankind and the rest of the world

The prophecy of Seventy Weeks discussed in Part 1 considered 
a division of world history into 70 weeks of 30 years. I 
have already addressed the first 69=62+7 weeks that roughly 
cover the years 90-2160. If I said nothing about week 70, it 
is because I would like to remain cautious and not say 
anything about what will happen after 2160 (after the great 
tribulation).  It is anyway more useful today to anticipate 
the great tribulation of the years 2055-2160 (the 3.5 
periods of 30 years until the end of Week 69).

D) The First World War

Verses 1-9 of chapter 11 first mention a war between the 
Persians and the Greeks (Daniel 11:2). Many agree that 
Daniel 11:4 is a prophecy about Alexander the Great, because 
his empire was divided into four parts after his death. From 
Daniel 11:5 on, the story is transposed to a war between the 
kingdom of the South and the kingdom of the North.  On the 
scale of the history of great civilizations, the northern 
empire mentioned here cannot be limited to ancient Greece, 
which is now extinct. It represents the whole Greco-Roman 
culture inherited racially and spiritually by the Aryan, the 
man of the North.  And the Southern kingdom represents the 
rest of mankind as defined in opposition to Aryan mankind.  
This idea corresponds very well to the above citation: "I 
once asked Hitler what he was, whether he was German or 
European, and he gave me this quite surprising answer: 'I am 

>Daniel 11:9 Then the king of the North   
>will invade the realm of the king of the 
>South but will retreat to his own country
>Daniel 11:10 His sons will prepare for   
>war and assemble a great army, which     
>will sweep on like an irresistible flood 
>and carry the battle as far as his       

I'm not able to decode the conflicts between the South and 
the North mentioned before Daniel 11:10, but I think it 
concerns periods of history very far in the past.

But the most important is to focus on the expression "His 
sons" of verse 10.  This expression indicates a time shift: 
the series of events is shifted to the modern era.  In 
anthropological terms, the northern Aryan men who have kept 
themselves pure to this day are the (racial) heirs of the 
Greeks from Daniel's time.  Moreover, the whole history of 
the world is the history of the Aryan expansion against the 
rest of the world. This very vast war went through a 
military episode from 1914 to 1945.  

The formulation "his sons will prepare for war" announces a 
Germany well prepared to wage a First World War. It will be 
able to advance well on all fronts and it will "sweep on 
like an irresistible flood and carry the battle as far as 
his fortress". Indeed, at the beginning, Germany and the 
Central Powers were able to advance very well into the lands 
of the enemy, or "as far as his fortresses". 

>Daniel 11:11 Then the king of the South 
>will march out in a rage and fight      
>against the king of the North, who will 
>raise a large army, but it will be      

The King of the South here represents the allies who are 
mobilizing. They manage to reverse their initial losses; the 
"king of the North", or Germany, "will be defeated."

>Daniel 11:12 When the army [My note: of 
>the king of the North] is carried off, 
>the king of the South will be filled 
>with pride and will slaughter many 
>thousands, yet he will not remain 
The Allies will be very arrogant and they will impose a very 
harsh Treaty of Versailles on the Central Powers. In both 
world conflicts, the allies (France, Russia, the United 
States, England, etc.) played de facto for the enemies of 
Aryan mankind. But the victory of the Allies in World War 1 
will be short-lived, or they "will not remain triumphant".

E) World War II

>Daniel 11:13 For the king of the North   
>will muster another army, larger than    
>the first; and after several years, he   
>will advance with a huge army fully      
Germany recovers thanks to Hitler and it manages to "muster 
another army, larger than the first", i.e., even larger than 
the one from World War I.

>Daniel 11:14 In those times many will      
>rise against the king of the South.        
>Those who are violent among your own       
>people will rebel in fulfillment of the    
>vision, but without success.               
As a necessity of war, Hitler had to appeal to men with 
strong temperaments, to people (usually) described as 
violent or unsettling rather than peaceful.  Some 
translations use the expression "those who love to fight" 
instead of "those who are violent". And the Hebrew word 
behind the adjective "violent" can also be translated as 
"fierce" (see Note 2 for the exact source).  The same word 
is used in Isaiah 35:9 where many French translations 
suggest a notion of "fierce beast" (see also Note 2).

Here is the outline of the rest of this section:

E.1) The fall of Paris
E.2) Hitler gains almost complete power over Europe
E.3) Hitler's diplomatic agreements 
E.4) The war spreads overseas and becomes global
E.5) Stalin inflicts a major defeat on Hitler and victory 
     changes sides
E.6) Hitler retreats to his bunker and is definitely defeated
E.7) On the place of the Slavs in the war (of the Aryan 

E.1) The fall of Paris

>Daniel 11:15 Then the king of the North       
>will come and build up siege ramps and        
>will capture a fortified city. The            
>forces of the South will be powerless to      
>resist; even their best troops will not       
>have the strength to stand.                   

This passage describes how the King of the North (Hitler as 
the representative of European civilization) manages to 
"capture a fortified city". This prophecy must be about 
Paris, a city (inefficiently) fortified by the Maginot line.  
I repeat that the French official power and the allies 
fought against the interests of European mankind in World 
War II.

E.2) Hitler gains almost complete power over Europe

>Daniel 11:16 The invader will do as he 
>pleases; no one will be able to stand  
>against him. He will establish himself 
>in the Beautiful Land and will have the
>power to destroy it.                   

The Beautiful Land must represent (continental) Europe 
that the German armies controlled for a few years. This 
Beautiful Land was already mentioned in Daniel 8:9, which 
discusses a horn "which started small but grew in power to 
the south, and to the east and towards the Beautiful Land". 
I think this horn is another prophecy on organized Jewry, 
but the goal for now is to locate this Beautiful Land.  And 
if we associate it with Europe and thus place it to the 
northwest western part of the world, this ties in perfectly 
with the expression "to the south, and to the east and 
towards the Beautiful Land".

The expression "will have the power to destroy it" announces 
this: around 1940-1943 Hitler could have completely 
destroyed all this beautiful Europe, including the City of 
Lights (Paris).  But he mainly fought against the Jewish 
France and not against the artistic creations of the French 
people, which he must have appreciated. Otherwise, he would 
have flattened this beautiful city of Paris.

E.3) Hitler's diplomatic agreements 

>Daniel 11:17 He will determine to come     
>with the might of his entire kingdom and   
>will make an alliance with the king of     
>the South. And he will give him a          
>daughter in marriage in order to           
>overthrow the kingdom, but his plans       
>will not succeed or help him.              

Instead of trying to destroy Europe, Hitler mobilized most 
of his army against his most critical enemy: the 
Judeo-Bolshevik Soviet Union. It is clear we are in the 
middle of a discussion about war maneuvers involving global 
powers.  The marriage mentioned here cannot refer to some 
sentimental relationship, but rather to a political 
marriage.  Historically, the marriages of princes have often 
been accompanied by transfers of power over territories. 
Even the Bible mentions (1 Kings 9:16) a Pharaoh giving a 
city as a gift at his daughter's wedding with Solomon. Thus, 
I see this "marriage" as a reference to the agreements that 
Hitler made with his enemies before invading them. Through 
the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, he tried to deceive the Soviets 
by promising them territorial gains. This started a kind of 
German-Soviet honeymoon, which ended completely in 1941 
(since Operation Barbarossa started in June 1941).

Before that, Hitler had signed the Munich Agreement to 
reassure France and the United Kingdom.  The phrase "his 
plans will not succeed or help him" announces that Hitler's 
alliance policy will fail.  Indeed, all the great powers 
ended up fighting against him. Hitler discussed in Mein 
Kampf how he would have liked to make an alliance with Great 
Britain. The failure of his external alliance policy was 
one of the main factors explaining the defeat of the Axis.

E.4) The war spreads overseas and becomes global

>Daniel 11:18 Then he will turn his             
>attention to the coastlands and will           
>take many of them.

Many translations use the word "islands" instead of 
"coastlands", which must represent the territories beyond 
the seas and the oceans with regards to continental Europe.  
Thus, Hitler declared war on England and on the United 
States. Japan attacked at Pearl Harbor. In the beginning, 
the Axis dominated certain Pacific Islands or the coasts of 
North Africa.

E.5) Stalin inflicts a major defeat on Hitler and victory 
     changes sides

>Daniel 11:18 (continued) but a 
>commander will put an end to his 
>insolence and will turn his insolence 
>back on him.                

This commander giving a fatal blow to Hitler must be 
Stalin. Victory changed sides after the battle of 
Stalingrad. I have not found the word "insolence" in any 
French translation; they prefer the word "opprobrium". For 
example, the Louis Segond translation says "a leader will 
put an end to the opprobrium he [Hitler] wanted to bring 
upon him [upon Stalin], and will bring it upon himself 
[upon Hitler]." Hitler wanted to humiliate Stalin, but the 
opposite happened.

Beyond the strictly military context, I wonder if this 
passage does not criticize Hitler of a form of insolence in 
the more general sense of the term.  Note 3 develops this 
question in more detail.

E.6) Hitler retreats to his bunker and is definitely defeated

>Daniel 11:19 After this, he will turn    
>back toward the fortresses of his own    
>country but will stumble and fall, to be 
>seen no more.                            

After that, in the final stage of the war, Hitler turned 
"back toward the fortresses of his own country". This must 
be a reference to Hitler's bunker. In 1945, the Soviets 
reached his bunker and the Axis lost. The fact that Hitler 
fell "to be seen no more" (also) means that his doctrine 
will be banned from the public sphere. 

E.7) On the place of the Slavs in the war (of the Aryan 

Certain hope that the Russians who gave this fatal blow to 
the Aryan man at Stalingrad will soon become our allies, 
because we are all white. But since Hitler is seen as an 
anointed one in these prophecies, we should carefully read 
what he wrote about the Slavs. And he explained multiple 
times that the Slav mankind is not Aryan. We can at least 
rely on his main book Mein Kampf that he wrote quietly and 
carefully, being well aware that "in order to produce more 
equality and uniformity in the defense of any doctrine, its 
fundamental principles must be committed to writing."

Chapter 14 (volume 2) states that "The Russia of today, 
deprived of its Germanic ruling class, is not a possible 
ally in the struggle for German liberty, setting aside 
entirely the inner designs of its new rulers." Further on, 
the same chapter 14 gives more insight: "More often than 
once inferior races with Germanic organizers and rulers as 
their leaders became formidable States and continued to 
exist as long as the racial nucleus remained which had 
originally created each respective State. For centuries 
Russia owed the source of its livelihood as a State to the 
Germanic nucleus of its governing class. But this nucleus is 
now almost wholly broken up and abolished." Concerning the 
non-Russian Slavs, the end of chapter 3 (volume 1) denounces 
the risk of race mixing associated to their presence in 
Vienna (he mentioned the Czechs, the Poles, the Serbs, the 
Ruthenes, etc.).

In my opinion, the Slavs can be useful in a Christian 
struggle for liberation only if they accept an Aryan 
direction.  This is consistent with the fact that they 
adopted Christianity as a religion imported from the Aryan 
world; the Russian Church remained under the authority of 
Constantinople until the 15th century.  The primary impulse 
came from the Aryan world as for many other formidable 
Slavic achievements. This converges completely with the 
above citation where Hitler mentions the creation or 
existence of formidable states "with Germanic organizers and 
rulers as their leaders".

Moreover, it is very difficult to place the Slavs on the 
racial basis of the Aryan ancient Greek kingdom mentioned by 
Daniel.  In Daniel's time, the Slavs were at thousands of 
miles away in God knows what Asian steppes. And they arrived 
in Europe about 1000-1500 years later.

This interpretation is entirely in line with episode 10 in 
which I described (in Section 10.1.2 on Apocalypse 16:12-13) 
how the three words "liberty equality fraternity" started 
the war of Gog and Magog against the Aryan man. Section 
4.bis.2 provided arguments that identify Gog with the Jews 
and Magog with the Slavs.

F) The Marshall Plan

>Daniel 11:20 His successor will send out   
>a tax collector to maintain the royal      
>splendor.  In a few years, however, he     
>will be destroyed, yet not in anger or     
>in battle.                                 

The tax collector represents the American public sector that 
invested money to reconstruct Europe according to the 
Marshall Plan. The purpose was to maintain an attractive 
Europe ("maintain royal splendor"). Many did not understand 
what Europe had to give in exchange: it had to accept a 
denazification process. We do not even have the right to use 
the word "Aryan" in public.  Nevertheless, for a period of 
about 30 years (roughly the years 1945-1975 called the 
Glorious Thirty in France), there was a rather functional 
symbiosis between the Jews and the peoples of European 
descent. Many were economically very satisfied.

But these two factors -- a still-rich population and a 
denazified worldview -- made the West very attractive to 
non-European immigration.  This immigration has gradually 
increased to reach today a level that was unimaginable in 
1945. The American-European economic splendor consolidated 
by the Marshall Plan "will be destroyed, yet not in anger or 
in battle", that is, it will gradually vanish in a peaceful 
manner.  In other words, the Aryan man is likely to perish 
through a slow moral apocalypse and not because of some 
violent military battle. 

G) More and more top leadership positions in the Western 
   states are increasingly openly taken over by jews

>Daniel 11:21 He will be succeeded by a  
>contemptible person who has not been    
>given the honor of royalty.  He will    
>invade the kingdom when its people feel 
>secure, and he will seize it through    

For the first 30 years after the war, the jews were not 
officially in control of all top levels of power in Europe 
and America [they preferred to stay in the shadows].  But 
year after year, they gradually took over more and more leading 
positions, pursuing the goal of becoming official masters of 
the West. Thus, the "contemptible person who has not been 
given the honor of royalty" must be the jew, because he 
usurped by intrigue and flattery this position of master of 
the West. If the Western-Christian peoples did not notice 
the jews plotting cunningly for years, it is because they 
thought they had all reasons to "feel secure".

>Daniel 11:22 Then an overwhelming army   
>will be swept away before him; both it   
>and a prince of the covenant will be                                              
>Daniel 11:23 After coming to an agreement
>with him, he will act deceitfully, and   
>with only a few people he will rise to   

The NLT translation states that "great armies will be swept 
away". This indicates that the Jew will be successful in 
implanting his worldview in the minds of many people.  The 
"prince of the covenant" may (also) include the leaders of 
the official churches. They have abandoned their traditional 
beliefs and they all need to be Jew-respectful in order to 
exist: we see female bishops in the Anglican Church, respect 
for Islam everywhere, a lot of advertising for sponsoring 
niggers on many Christian websites, many churches that 
welcome non-European refugees without any screening, etc. In 
short, this little Jewish people will act "deceitfully, and 
with only a few people he will rise to power".
>Daniel 11:24 When the richest provinces  
>feel secure, he will invade them and     
>will achieve what neither his fathers    
>nor his forefathers did.  He will        
>distribute plunder, loot and wealth      
>among his followers. He will plot the    
>overthrow of fortresses -- but only for 
>a time.

While most whites though they could "feel secure" because of 
a certain material wealth, the jew achieved "what neither 
his fathers nor forefathers did": extort the wealth of white 
men and distribute it "among his followers", i.e., to the 
non-European allies of world Jewry. The end of this verse 
nevertheless reassures us: this "plot" of organized Jewry to 
overthrow our "fortresses" will not last forever, but "only 
for a time".

[Note to the English edition: the expression "think tank" 
popular in English captures very well the way you could 
understand a term such as "overthrow of fortresses".  
Imagine a "think tank" attacking our "think stronghold": the 
jew engaged us in a spiritual conflict that aims at 
confusing our mind and overthrowing our identity.]

H) After the Cold War, the jew starts the final globalization 
   stage so as to shape the whole humankind according to 
   his worldview

During the Cold War, the jews did not have a very direct 
control over all states on Earth.  It was still a world with 
two competing super-powers; Stalin, for example, was able to 
remove the jews from power since the 1960s. All communist 
states in Eastern Europe were not necessarily dominated by 
jews.  The Arab countries were still living in their own 
way; China was a bit disconnected from world trade, etc.  
But once the Soviet Union collapsed, the United States 
became the unique center of the world; their hegemony was 
indisputable around 1990-2000.

The verses below describe how the West tried after 1990  to 
impose its commercial system and its Jewish-inspired 
conception of life to the whole world.

>Daniel 11:25 With a large army he will   
>stir up his strength and courage against 
>the king of the South. The king of the   
>South will wage war with a large and     
>very powerful army, but he will not be   
>able to stand because of the plots       
>devised against him.                     
>Daniel 11:26 Those who eat from the      
>king's provisions will try to destroy    
>him; his army will be swept away, and    
>many will fall in battle.                
We see an assault of the jew-ridden West against other 
countries of the world (the South).  In a first stage, this 
took the form of a political, economic and moral assault 
rather than a military one. The South will often be defeated 
not by armies, but mainly "because of the plots devised 
against him".  This must include, for example, the US-backed 
color revolutions (officially intended) to "bring democracy" 
to other countries of the world.

>Daniel 11:27 The two kings, with their     
>hearts bent on evil, will sit at the       
>same table and lie to each other, but to   
>no avail, because an end will still come   
>at the appointed time.                     

The atmosphere of the negotiations is in a state of high 
tension: all our (bogus) politicians and decision-makers 
have their "hearts bent on evil"; they only try to deceive 
each other. 

>Daniel 11:28 The king of the North will   
>return to his own country with great      
>wealth, but his heart will be set         
>against the holy covenant.  He will take  
>action against it and then return to his  
>own country.                              

The jewish-dominated West accumulates "great wealth".  Asian 
peoples work for miserable wages in a Western economic 
system that became completely globalized. For example, the 
WTO (World Trade Organization) founded in 1994 has already 
integrated almost all countries of the world, including 
China in 2001.  All this trade will generate "great wealth" 
which the Western oligarchy will use to promote its 
spiritual and moral war.

Verse 11:28 above describes how this oligarchy "will return 
to his own country with great wealth, but his heart will be 
set against the holy covenant." I tend to believe that the 
main desire (or obsession) of the Jews will remain their 
great internal war against European mankind and against his 
sacred Christian sentiment ("the holy covenant").

I) The Jew starts to partially lose the control of the 
   non-white world around the time of writing (2022)

>Daniel 11:29 At the appointed time he      
>will invade the South again, but this     
>time the outcome will be different from   
>what it was before.                       

The confrontation between the North and the South continues, 
but a time will come when "the outcome will be different 
from what it was before". I think this announces a major 
shift in the global geopolitical balance.  The American 
hegemony consolidated immediately after the Cold War begins 
to fade. If the Jewish-dominated Western powers lose global 
supremacy, the center of the world is likely to shift 
(eastward), with many negative consequences for the 

The western countries are already weakened by the mediocrity 
of their democracies.  The power that the United States 
exerted over the rest of the world since 1990 has already 
been greatly reduced, both economically and militarily.  
NATO has not even been able to overthrow the Syrian regime 
since the 2010s. Many other arab countries in the Middle 
East have become very rich and independent.  The Russians 
can now militarily attack foreign countries without paying 
attention to the shouts of the jewish-dominated Western 
press.  The Asians are less and less dependent on their 
(trade) agreements with the West.

>Daniel 11:30 Ships of the western           
>coastlands [or Kittim in Hebrew] will          
>oppose him, and he will lose heart.         
>Then he will turn back and vent his fury    
>against the holy covenant. He will          
>return and show favor to those who          
>forsake the holy covenant.                  

Completing the information from the previous verse, Daniel 
11:30 mentions the rise in power of an empire named Kittim.  
The word Kittim seems to me a correct transliteration of the 
original Hebrew word (which had four letters: Kaf, Tav, Yod, 
and Mem). It may represent China or other Asian powers. As 
discussed in Section 4bis.2.C, there is a phonetic 
similarity between Kittim and the Khitans, an Asian people 
of around 900-1100.  According to the Wikipedia entry of the 
Khitans, "the Khitai variant of their name gave Cathay, the 
name by which Europe referred to China in the Middle Ages".  
The "western coastlands" mentioned at the beginning of verse 
11:30 do not appear in the original manuscripts; I think 
this is just the interpretation of those who identified 
Kittim with the island of Cyprus in the western 
Mediterranean. But the essential is that the Jewish power 
will "lose heart" when faced to this external challenger 

But externally limited, the Jew will intensify his great 
internal war against the nations of European descent and 
especially against their Christian spirituality; thus, he 
"will vent his fury against the holy covenant". The fact of 
showing "favor to those who abandon the holy covenant" warns 
us that he will encourage society to belittle and slander 
our Christian ideals even more. The phenomenon is actually 
already visible today, but it must intensify (see Note 4).

J) The Jew completes around 2050-2060 the installation of the 
   abomination of desolation, starting the great tribulation

>Daniel 11:31 His armed forces will rise       
>up to desecrate the temple fortress and       
>will abolish the daily sacrifice. Then        
>they will set up the abomination that         
>causes desolation.                            
>Daniel 11:32 With flattery he will            
>corrupt those who have violated the           
>covenant, but the people who know their       
>God will firmly resist him.                   

The Jew finds his greatest satisfaction when he succeeds 
in spoiling the Christian sacred values and the religious 
sentiment, i.e., when he manages « to desecrate the temple 
fortress ». I think that the abolition of the "daily 
sacrifice" indicates that the Jew will succeed in tearing 
down all traditional morals and beliefs of the Aryan 
Christian peoples.  This process will culminate with the 
full installation of the abomination of desolation ("the 
sacrilegious object that causes desecration") around 2055, 
as described in point C) in Part 1. 

The beginning of episode 2 mentioned a sermon of Jesus that 
did warn us about this abomination, also called the 
sacrilegious object that causes desecration.  [Note to the 
English edition: Jesus said in Mat 24:15 that "'The time 
will come when you will see what Daniel the prophet spoke 
about: the sacrilegious object that causes desecration 
standing in the Holy Place'-- reader, pay attention!", see 
also Mar 13:14 ] According to Mat 24:21, Mar 13:19 and Luk 
21:23 (see point F of episode 2), this abomination of 
desolation marks the beginning of the great tribulation.  To 
be able to resist, Jesus said that we "must flee to the 
hills", that is, carry out a clandestine guerrilla activity 
of resistance outside public sphere (point B, episode 2).  
[Note to the English version: Jesus also said in Mar 
13:15-16 that "A person outside the house must not go back 
into the house to pack. A person in the field must not 
return even to get a coat." This may be an indication that 
you have to detach yourself from our jew-ridden system and 
forget the way this world tells you to think without even 
looking back (or without returning "even to get a coat")].

I do not have more information to describe this abomination 
of desolation very precisely. I can only extrapolate from 
the current situation.  It may first refer to a degradation 
in terms of human identity, personality and race. The 
Jew-ridden mainstream media may shout even louder to impose 
their worldview on us, to prevent the Aryan man from 
procreating or to push him to miscegenation.  The 
world-level leadership may try to set up a global mass 
surveillance system, more intrusive and repressive than in 
the past. I am afraid of an unparalleled tyranny, as already 
indicated at Point C).  But Daniel reassures us: "the people 
who know their God will firmly resist him."

>Daniel 11:33 Those who are wise will  
>instruct many, though for a time they 
>will fall by the sword or be burned or
>captured or plundered.                

There will always be great minds of European descent who 
will remain faithful to the truth and proclaim it to the 
masses; they will strive to preserve a properly structured 
Aryan knowledge, faithful to the great European 
civilization.  But they will be able to share their 
knowledge only in certain small communities, often on the 
Internet. Some of them already need to stay anonymous, by 
hiding their activity behind special computer networks (VPN, 
Tor in 2022).  Many others are already harassed by the 
justice system.  The global jew-ridden leadership will do 
everything to prevent them from communicating with the 

>Daniel 11:34 When they fall, they will 
>receive a little help, and many who are
>not sincere will join them.            

Our aforementioned great Aryan minds will have a hard time
in finding people to sincerely defend them in public.  The 
authorized right-wing press will never honestly defend 
[Christian] nationalists or white supremacists. Even the 
"little help" that our pro-white activists may receive will 
not be sincere and solid. If you see a few politicians that 
take sporadic steps encouraging freedom of speech, do not 
trust them too much, because "many who are not sincere will 
join them". In fact, the whole system was deliberately 
designed to occasionally allow some ephemeral victories of 
(far-)right ideas in some elections.  You may see from time 
to time some healthy vigorous reactions of Old Europe in the 
mainstream media.  But the ruling world clique -- Jewish or 
affiliated -- will never allow a far-right political party 
go too far in defending white men.  

For example, Donald Trump could be elected in America and 
many put their trust on him; some believed he was a 
providential man.  But no!  Towards the end of his term as 
president, he granted more pardons to Jews than to 
right-wing white supremacists. In France, the Le Pen family 
may have scored well in various elections, but they will 
never go too far in defending those who vote for them.

If you ever see an accredited journalist pointing out the 
high level of non European immigration or denouncing the 
overrated status of jews as victims, don't expect a serious 
reversal. It is like when a sports coach allows someone to 
play a little differently for five minutes, to show some 
plurality in the style.  Nothing lasting can come out of it: 
it's the coach who decided to play only 5 minutes like that, 
to maintain some appearances of impartiality.

>Daniel 11:35 Some of the wise will 
>stumble, so that they may be refined, 
>purified and made spotless until the 
>time of the end, for it will still come 
>at the appointed time.           

Under such extremely difficult conditions, it will be very 
difficult to remain faithful to the truth or to proclaim it 
to the masses. Even some of our best racially-conscious 
intellectuals will "stumble".

K) Even the strongest men will completely drop their 
   guard in front of the gas chamber myth

>Daniel 11:36 The king will do as he      
>pleases. He will exalt and magnify       
>himself above every god and will say     
>unheard-of things against the God of     
>gods. He will be successful until the    
>time of wrath is completed, for what has 
>been determined must take place.         
>Daniel 11:37 He will show no regard for  
>the gods of his ancestors or for the one 
>desired by women, nor will he regard any 
>god, but will exalt himself above them   
The king of the white world (of the northern kingdom) is 
organized Jewry as already discussed. The level of arrogance 
of the jews will reach an unimaginable level.  They will 
have no real admiration for their religion; most Jews do not 
go to synagogue. The God of the Jew is the Jew who loves 
himself!  His power that has become so great will be the 
only thing that matters.

The god "desired by women" in verse 37 symbolizes feminism.  
Daniel announces that the jew will have "no regard" for this 
god so honored by many others.  I also tend to believe 
that the jews did not promote feminism by true genuine love 
for women. They just wanted to attack the white man, whom 
they correctly identified as the main element sustaining 
Aryan civilization.  Paraphrasing the Protocols of the 
Learned Elders of Zion, the jews understood very clearly 
that "the lower classes of the goyim [note: including women 
in the context of the time around 1900] will follow our lead 
against our rivals for power, the intellectuals of the 
goyim, not for the sake of attaining the good, not even to 
win wealth, but solely out of hatred towards the 

[Note the English female readers: did you notice the media 
are not overly-interested in feminism when it can not stir 
up hatred for white heterosexual males? There are endless 
references to women described as "influential" of "powerful" 
in the news, but very few dare to speak about the violence 
that non-whites perpetrate against them -- a phenomenon that 
will hurt more and more women over the coming decades.]

>Daniel 11:38 Instead of them, he will     
>honor a god of fortresses; a god unknown  
>to his ancestors he will honor with gold  
>and silver, with precious stones and      
>costly gifts.                             
This new "god of fortresses" has often been transliterated 
as "Maozim" and interpreted as a proper noun. The above NIV 
translation followed a different track, that of a common 
noun. This common noun was derived from a Hebrew word 
that can indeed be translated as "fortress" or "stronghold".  
This leads to the idea of a God of power, the rule of force, 
hence a "god of fortresses".

This is entirely in line with modern society: the modern 
man submits only to the rule of force or to the law of the 
strongest. The Jews have shaped the world in their own 
image, as they said in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion: 
"The intensified struggle for superiority and shocks 
delivered to economic life will create, nay, have already 
created, disenchanted, cold and heartless communities."

But this idea of a God or law of the strongest seems to me 
incomplete, because it is not something new (for the jew).  
How can one identify a new God "unknown to his ancestors"?  
If one makes an absolute analysis of the modern world, the 
colossal force of the jew is ultimately based on the myth of 
the homicidal gas chamber of Adolf Hitler.  This is the 
supreme God of our time. It offers the jew the most 
formidable weapon to prevent any Aryan (racial) awakening: 
it is enough to say "we know where that leads, to Adolf 
Hitler and to his gas chamber" to forever close any 
argument.  The honoring of this myth with "with gold and 
silver, with precious stones and costly gifts" indicates 
that great fortunes are invested to promote -- or more 
exactly, sell -- this new God.  This financial dimension of 
this myth is best captured by the English saying "There is 
no business like Shoah business."

The proper noun Maozim has never been used elsewhere on this 
Earth (according to my web searching) and it is too short to 
be able to assign it any definite meaning with full 
certainty. But I can provide a possible interpretation. The 
letter "o" comes from the Greek letter "omega" which was a 
transliteration of the letter "Ayin" from the Hebrew 
alphabet. I understood that this transliteration was often 
used in antiquity.  But this is not the only possibility. 
The words "Gaza" or "Gomorrah" have Hebrew-Biblical origins 
and the letter "G" comes from the same letter "Ayin".  This 
transliteration leads to the word Mag-Zim instead of Maozim.  
The prefix "Mag-" can be easily associated to the word 
"magic", or "Magisch" in German. The German word "Zimmer" 
means room or chamber. As such, Mag-Zim (Magisch-Zimmer) may 
represent a magical German room, or the famous gas chamber.  
Note 5 elaborates more in detail a few (other) ways to 
interpret this word.

>Daniel 11:39 He will attack the 
>mightiest fortresses with the help of a 
>foreign god [Many translations say: of 
>this foreign god] and will greatly 
>honor those who acknowledge him. He 
>will make them rulers over many people 
>and will distribute the land at a price 
>[or land as a reward].                              
Even the strongest men will lower their guard (and head)
when faced to this foreign god Maozim interpreted above as 
Mag-Zim, Magisch-Zimmer or the gas chamber. On this basis, 
the Jews will reward their followers with top leadership 

L) A more uncertain future when the jewish dominated Aryan 
   mankind will even turn against its own fatherland

>Daniel 11:40 At the time of the end      
>the king of the South will engage him in 
>battle, and the king of the North will   
>storm out against him with chariots and  
>cavalry and a great fleet of ships. He   
>will invade many countries and sweep     
>through them like a flood.               

This verse describes a future that I cannot grasp with 
certainty.  I feel the rise in power of some non-European 
nations that will oppose the Jew-ridden western powers.  The 
Atlantic coalition may be pushed (economically or 
militarily) into new wars.  This risks extending the series 
of wars started by NATO since 1990 (Iraq, Kosovo, Syria, 
Libya, etc.).

>Daniel 11:41 He will also invade the     
>Beautiful Land. Many countries will      
>fall, but Edom, Moab and the leaders of  
>Ammon will be delivered from his hand.   

The expression "Beautiful Land" has already been used in 
Daniel 11:16. At point E.2), I said that it represents the 
beautiful Europe that Hitler could have destroyed around 
1940-1943. This verse announces that the jewish-dominated 
Aryan nations will en up attacking their own fatherland, 
Europe itself.

Up to now (up to 2022), NATO has always only attacked 
non-Western countries. And many Europeans and Americans 
assumed that NATO would always naturally only target foreign 
states.  Many have not understood that we live in a 
plutocracy ruled by Jewish or Jew-respectful oligarchies 
that are not attached to any specific state in particular.  
Since these elites do not recognize themselves in the 
average individual of their states, they do not make any 
difference between killing a low-class white man (in Europe) 
or a low-class arab (outside Europe).

Some peoples will find a way to escape, but I cannot 
identify them. I can only say that Edom can refer to all men 
who will still continue to embody the European spirit as 
described in Episode 6. 

All the armies, fortresses and attacks mentioned by Daniel 
are not necessarily only of a purely military nature.  They 
can also refer to great battles of ideas, to intellectual 
confrontations, to moral and spiritual aggressions, etc.  
Daniel mentions several times the interaction with entities 
like "the prince of the Persian kingdom" (10:13), "the 
prince of Greece" (10:20) or "the great prince who protects 
your people" (12:1). In fact, most translations use a word 
"angel" or "spirit" instead of "prince".  In particular, 
Daniel 10:20 announces that the prince (or angel) of Greece 
will help the prince (or angel) of God in his fight against 
the spirit of Persia. These verses must first evoke a very 
large confrontation in terms of worldview (of attitude 
towards life) between the spirit of the Aryan northern man 
-- placed on the (racial) foundations of ancient Greece -- 
and the rest of mankind (the South including Persia).

>Daniel 11:42 He will extend his power   
>over many countries; Egypt will not     
>Daniel 11:43 He will gain control of the
>treasures of gold and silver and all the
>riches of Egypt, with the Libyans and   
>Cushites in submission.                 

The Jews dominate a long list of peoples.

>Daniel 11:44 But reports from the east    
>and the north will alarm him, and he      
>will set out in a great rage to destroy   
>and annihilate many.                      
>Daniel 11:45 He will pitch his royal 
>tents between the seas at the beautiful 
>holy mountain. Yet he will come to his 
>end, and no one will help him.                                    
This passage announces a very high international tension 
that is difficult to describe.  One can assume that 
previously jew-friendly or jew-dominated peoples from the 
North may revolt (for once) against their Jewish masters.  
Several English translations (KJV) use a formulation "out of 
the east and out of the north", which suggests that this 
idea does not concern a united "north-east" block, but 
rather the north and the east as separate entities.

At the same time, there will be more and more tensions 
between the Jewish system and the rest of the world. The 
last sentence above prophesies that no one will still play 
for the jew longer towards the (end of the) end. The French 
Septuagint translation by P. Giguet says "No one will be 
able to save him".


I could not find a single comma to remove from these 
visionary writings of Daniel.  In my analysis, I have 
matched everything he announced to a past event or to a 
historical process -- with regards, at least, to history 
prior to current year 2022.


Note 1

Bible prophecies often measure time in "days," "months," 
"years," or "weeks," etc. These represent prophetic periods, 
the duration of which must be determined. For this purpose, 
one can try to assign various values to any such duration 
until the result makes sense.  Thus, the key for uncovering 
the prophetic writings can be discovered as if one were 
looking for the secret key of a message encrypted by a 
computer algorithm: try different secret keys (or passwords) 
until one of them succeeds in turning the encrypted message 
into a readable text. This is how I preferred to evaluate a 
prophetic "seven" of Daniel 9:27 to 7 periods of 30 years 
(and not a single period or week of 30 years).

The text was written using a dead language spoken 2500 years 
ago; it is very difficult to find the original meaning with 
complete accuracy. I have used for this episode the very 
popular English translation NIV (New International Version) 
which, in my opinion, renders the meaning of the original 
text in a very clear way.  For some verses, I have also 
drawn comparisons with the NLT (New Living Translation). A 
great prophet like Daniel could have had a vision even over 
the future translations of his writings.


Note 2

The Hebrew word behind the adjective "violent" is composed 
of the letters Pe, Resh, Yod, Tsadi followed by the suffix 
Yod. The Hebrew-French dictionary of M. N. Ph. Sander and M. 
I.  Trenel published in Paris in 1859 indicates on page 594 
that this word can also be translated by "fierce" ("féroce" 
in French). I also tried to find its Septuagint translation. 
In fact, this word does not even appear in the "New English 
Translation of the Septuagint" (published in 2007) which 
uses the expression "the fallen of your nation".  Without 
being an expert, I understood that the Septuagint of the 
book of Daniel only survived in two manuscripts discovered 
after 1750. It is therefore only in modern times that the 
true Septuagint of Daniel's book was made available.  
Traditionally, most Biblical exegetes have replaced the 
original Septuagint of the book of Daniel with a 
"Theodosion" translation.


Note 3

Verse 11:18 seems to accuse Hitler of a certain insolence or 
arrogance.  It may be a legitimate arrogance toward other 
men or an illegitimate arrogance toward God.  The verse is 
too short to bring a very clear conclusion by itself. I can 
only share my apprehensions.

I recall an idea from point K: "The God of the Jew is the 
Jew who loves himself!".  But I wonder if the German people 
did not fall into a similar error during the National 
Socialist era?  According to (my understanding of) Hitler's 
ideology, the god of the Germanic man is the Germanic man 
who loves himself -- or, more broadly, the European man who 
loves himself.  Hitler aroused in many a cult of the Aryan 
race and some have thus fallen into a form veneration of 
their own nature. I do not question the superiority of the 
Aryan race over other races.  But this is not enough to give 
the Aryan man the right to crown himself as his own God.  
Whether we like it or not, this is God's will: any system 
that puts a group of men as the main cornerstone at the 
center of the world is doomed to fail (like the Tower of 
Babel). No man has the right to crown himself as God.

Constantine conquered Rome after a vision that encouraged 
him to seek his fortune under the sign of Christ. Before a 
very important battle, he saw a symbol of Christ in the sky, 
hence the famous saying "In hoc signo vinces" or "By this 
sign, you will conquer".  But there is nothing similar about 
Hitler, about his battles or about his followers; to my 
knowledge, they did not seek (too) much help from Heaven.


Note 4

Already as of 2022, the Christian religion never receives 
any positive coverage in the news.  Each time the Church is 
mentioned by the mainstream media, it is (almost) always to 
discredit the clergy. But the same press never mentions the 
increasing number of churches vandalized by immigrants. Our 
churches will probably be progressively filled with more and 
more niggers to whom we will have to forgive everything.

In fact, the Jew has already removed all our ties to Heaven 
or Earth.  The average Aryan knows no God and no Church that 
exults the beauty or the noble spirit of our great saints.  
We have almost no history of our own to honor the heroes 
buried in our ancestral fatherland.  If the mainstream media 
ever talk about our White ancestors, it is often in a 
"cancel culture" endeavor. According to the established 
media cartel, you only have one duty in terms of history 
learning: to never forget the 6 million Jews.  And I think 
that the spectrum of acceptable ideas in the public sphere 
will progressively shrink to "Nazism is evil" or its 
derivatives.  Even the promotion of the various Asian ways 
of thinking (Zen, Yoga, Buddhism, etc.) fits into the jewish 
program that tries to diminish our spirituality.


Note 5

The proper noun Maozim has almost never been used on this 
Earth and there are very few clues to understand it. I 
explained in the main text how the Hebrew character "Ayin" 
can also be transliterated as "g" instead of "o", so that 
Mao-Zim can actually become Mag-Zim.  And Mag-Zim can be 
seen as a contraction of the German words "Magisch" and 
"Zimmer", which can lead us to a magic German room.  This is 
the first modern reference that could lift the veil over the 
mystery surrounding this new jewish god.

The letter "Ayin" exists in several alphabets; its 
pronunciation may have evolved over time and according to 
the various peoples who used it. Depending on the dialect, 
some people pronounce it today a bit like a French guttural 
"r" (see details on the voiced pharyngeal fricative in the 
appendix). This track leads to the word Mar-Zim. Believing 
in providence or not, it seems that all roads lead to the 
same gas chamber myth.  The German word Mär means "an often 
repeated untruth, a fable, a false narrative," according to 
wiktionnary.org (see the last two pages of the appendix). 

Modern Jews do not use this vocabulary to make white people 
feel guilty.  Certainly, the word "Zimmer" never appears on 
the plans of the alleged gas chambers. But Daniel could not 
have described the gas chamber myth more explicitly, because 
the notion of explicit open prophecy would almost be a 
contradiction in terms.  The use of a word like "Gaskammer" 
could have warned the Old Testament Jewish scholars to the 
prophesied facts, so that they can avoid them.

The Jewish scholars have always been (very) well informed 
about the sacred texts and the Christian mindset.  This 
enabled them to determine with almost mathematical certainty 
the best means to exploit their weaknesses and to mislead 
them. The whole religion of the alleged Jewish holocaust is, 
moreover, modeled on the Christian mindset and mental 
structure; it is like a new river flowing on the bed of a 
vanished river. The persecutions of the Christian saints 
have been replaced by the alleged extermination of the 6 
million Jews. The cornerstone of their suffering, the gas 
chamber, replaces the central suffering in Christianity 
which is the crucifixion of Jesus.

Appendix Pdf version

====================        END        ====================

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A Church operating in secret (incognito) will remain alive 
until Jesus returns

8.1 Jesus' last words on Earth are very enigmatic
8.2 The prophetic interpretation of Jesus' last words on 
8.3 An incognito Church in the image of the beloved disciple 
    will remain alive until the second coming of Jesus
8.4 The (very probable) thesis of a incognito great 
8.5 The thesis of John the Apostle
8.6 Other less likely identities of the beloved disciple

The last chapter of John's Gospel deals with Jesus' final 
days on Earth.  Several apostles are fishing in a boat 
alongside "two other disciples" (John 21:2).  Jesus arrives 
to tell them what to do in order to catch more fish. The 
Bible made multiple times a link between "fishers of fish" 
and "fishers of men".  Peter was the first apostle called by 
Jesus with the words: "Simon, do not be afraid; from now on 
you will be a fisher of men" (Luke 5:10, Mat 4:19).


8.1 Jesus' last words on Earth are very enigmatic

The last days of Jesus on Earth have a particular importance 
for many believers. But the narration of this event in 
John's gospel gives us an unexpected "detail"; it is the 
precise number of fish they caught: 153.  During those last 
moments with the apostles, Jesus found nothing more 
important to do than to ask them to stop and count the 
number of fish? Was there nothing more interesting to talk 
about in this last page of the last gospel? No: it was 
really not the best time for such trivial facts. This number 
must have a deeper meaning.

The number 153 is the sum of the first n=17 integers: 153 = 
1+2+3 ... + 17. The adoption of an idea often goes through 
this pyramidal process: at the beginning there is only one 
man who embodies the idea (for us Jesus), then 2 other men 
can be added (like Peter and his brother Andrew), then the 
community attracts about 3 more men, then more, and more, 
and so on.

There are several other enigmatic aspects in this last 
chapter 21 of the gospel of John.

Jesus tells Peter that he will be captured by "another" who 
will impose his will on him and eventually kill him:
> 21:18 But when you are old, you will 
> stretch out your hands, and another 
> will direct you and take you where
> you don't want to go. 19 Jesus said 
> this to let him know by what kind of 
> death he would glorify God. (NLT)
The original Greek text employs an expression using a 
girdle, an encircling or ringlike structure, perhaps as below:
> 21:18 [...] But when you grow old, you 
> will stretch out your hands, and 
> someone else will fasten a belt
> around you and take you where you do 
> not wish to go. (NRSV)

At the end, we see Jesus walking away, Peter following him, 
and a "disciple whom Jesus loved" following Jesus and Peter. 
This disciple whom Jesus loved is mentioned 5 times in this 
gospel, very often next to Peter. Peter asks Jesus about the 
fate of this disciple. Jesus replies:
>21:22 Jesus replied, "If I want him to 
>remain alive until I return, what is 
>that to you? As for you, follow me."
>21:23 So the rumor spread among the 
>community of believers that this 
>disciple wouldn't die. But that isn't 
>what Jesus said at all. He only said, 
>"If I want him to remain alive until I 
>return, what is that to you?" 
>21:24 This disciple is the one who 
>testifies to these events and has 
>recorded them here. And we know that 
>his account of these things is 
>accurate. (NLT)

Many interpreted this passage too literally: the "rumor" was 
that this disciple whom Jesus loved would never die. But the 
gospel insists that Jesus said something else; I believe 
that this beloved disciple, as the author of this gospel, 
rejected this way the idea of his physical immortality. A 
different hypothesis is that Jesus was simply talking about 
a walk he was going to make during that particular day.  
Maybe. But why mentioning such a simple and prosaic thing in 
such an important gospel chapter? If the Holy Spirit wanted 
this gospel to come down to us in this form, it is because 
it has a meaning that can interest us later -- beyond the 
things they were doing on that particular day.

8.2 The prophetic interpretation of Jesus' last words on 

Peter has often been regarded as the father of the visible 
and organized Church. Jesus had already announced that the 
Church would be built on this "stone" (Mat 16:18). Peter is 
considered the first bishop of Rome or the first Pope.  
Remember that the Orthodox and Protestant Christians all 
represent different branches of the initial Apostolic 
Church, even though they do not recognize the Pope today. 
Peter is often listed first when the Bible mentions the 

Jesus mentions Peter's death for a double reason: the 
physical death of Peter and the prophetic death of the 
Church he founded. He describes how the church will die: 
"you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will 
fasten a belt around you and take you where you do not wish 
to go". The hands of many modern Christian believers have 
become weak.  The Church is bound as with a rope: it is led 
by "another", as if held with a lasso (in a psychological 
magic spell).

The number 153 may represent the number of believers at any 
given time, as described in Section 8.1 above (compare also 
Note 1 below). This number of believers could increase over 
time as follows: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, ..., 153, etc. These 
values are part of a series of "triangular numbers". The 
English Wikipedia entry for this concept shows today (late 
2021) the following series: 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 
45, 55, 66, 78, 91, 105, 120, 136, 153, 171, 190, 210, 231, 
253, 276, 300, 325, 351, 378, 406, 435, 465, 496, 528, 561, 
595, 630, 666...  If Christians are not a community of 
destiny, what strange coincidence has led the authors of this 
Wikipedia entry (see image below) to end the series with 
666? All visible churches today are led by "another". They 
have all arrived in the 666 state [that represents the beast 
from Revelation 13 (and 17).  In my opinion, this beast aims 
at restructuring Mankind according to undercover Marxist 
ideas.  The classical Marxism described in the 19th century 
has many modern branches, promoted in disguise under 
"positive" banners using words such as Equality, Equity, 
Diversity, all supposed to help Mankind by putting and to 
all sorts of real or supposed oppressions].
(link image)
We have been chosen by destiny to see with our own eyes the 
fall of the visible church (and thus of the New Jerusalem). 
His total submission to the civil, political and economic
global world powers is being displayed more and more clearly 
everyday, for all Christian churches. One only has to do 
some serious research to see how these global powers are in 
charge of all public questions of religion and morality. It 
is their Marxist morality glorifying all sorts of supposed
victims of oppression -- disguised as love for the weak or 
even as Christian charity -- that is in power.  Organized 
Christianity cannot escape it. Unless the global system 
changes, it is clear that any future pope and any future 
head of a public church (Protestant, Evangelical, Orthodox, 
etc.) will be politically correct, i.e., he will validate 
all the moral principles of the world ruling caste.

But, attention: this does not imply the complete death of 
Christianity. At the end of this gospel, we see Peter 
leaving with Jesus and "the disciple whom Jesus loved" 
following them. Jesus prophesied the death of the visible 
church, but he said that "this disciple whom Jesus loved" 
would remain alive until Jesus returns. We will see that 
this is an enigmatic disciple who may represents a stealth 
church with no organization; this undercover community of 
destiny will continue to exist until the second coming of 
Christ. It can therefore be said -- let's use the big word 
-- that it is immortal. Moreover, Matthew's gospel ends with 
a promise of Jesus: « I will be with you always ».

Note 1: The Acts of the Apostles tells us (27:37) the story 
of a ship that was on the point of sinking and perishing. 
Following Paul's instructions, they managed to save everyone 
in the last moment. The number of people was 276, another 
value in the above series.

8.3 An incognito Church in the image of the beloved disciple 
    will remain alive until the second coming of Jesus

Just as the visible church was traditionally organized 
according to Peter's work and principles (often based on the 
spoken word), the future church will embody the spirit of 
this incognito disciple whom Jesus loved. For it is clear 
that he cannot be identified with certainty. This gives the 
first main characteristic of the future Church: her 
believers will not seek to reveal their identity.  Checking 
Mar 13:14, Mat 24.15, Luke 21:21, Jesus gave the Christians 
the order to flee to the mountains when they detect the 
coming of the abomination that causes desolation; this means 
they have to carry out a stealth resistance activity outside 
the public sphere.

There are several theories about the identity of this 
disciple; I list them below, starting with the most probable 
A) A native of Jerusalem who hosted Jesus and the apostles 
during the Last Supper.  He was rather cultured in matters 
of religion, having a privileged contact with the priestly 
class of his time. I will call him the incognito great 
B) John the apostle.
C) Someone else.

I will develop in this section 8.3 only those ideas that 
remain valid in all these three cases. What can be said with 
complete certainty?

1) Jesus entrusted his mother to this disciple. This implies 
that he had -- at least until Mary's death -- the obligation 
to preserve his life and to avoid prison. He had to do 
everything to avoid the persecutions that (fatally) affected 
the apostles. Thus, he did not have the possibility to 
glorify God by undertaking dangerous missions like Peter, 
Paul and the others.

2) Even though he was discreet, he was able to stay in touch 
with the church organized by the apostles. He appears almost 
all the time next to Peter in his gospel. The last words of 
chapter 21 indicate that he was following Peter and Jesus. 
If one wants to embody this disciple, one should not 
hesitate to study and learn from the classical Christian 
wisdom, at least that which was produced before the Church 
was captured by the 666 beast.

3) Although he did not found any church -- and even if he 
did not die a martyr -- he had a very deep sentimental 
understanding of religion; he certainly had a very good 
capacity to grasp the meaning of the divine. It was not 
without reason that he put his head on Jesus' heart at the 
Last Supper (13:23). In the expression "whom Jesus loved" 
the word for divine love (Agape) is used four times and for 
brotherly love (Philia) once. The love of this disciple did 
not remain dead word, because he did leave us several 
essential writings. We see a love doubled by a great 
intellectual sharpness, proper to contemplative or poetic 
natures.  This double quality made it easier for him to 
spot the various manifestations of Jesus. He arrives at the 
empty tomb of Jesus before the other apostles (20:04) and he 
is the first to recognize the risen Jesus (21:07) while he 
was in the boat (quite far away?) with other apostles. He is 
the one who defined Jesus (1:14) as the word that became 
flesh to live among us.

When faced to the furious barbaric Jews that wanted to kill 
him, even Jesus had to hide or run away sometimes, so as not 
to be caught too soon, before explaining the meaning of his 
mission. It is the same gospel of John that explains it the 
best way. In John 8:59, we see some Jews who, after 
listening to Jesus, took up stones to stone him "but Jesus 
hid himself and went out of the temple". John 10:31-39 
culminates with "They tried again to seize him, but he 
slipped out of their hands." Those who want to imitate Jesus 
in everything can keep in mind the Jesus mentioned here.

8.4 The (very probable) thesis of a incognito great 

I remember an opponent of this thesis who was quite 
scandalized: "I cannot accept that the author of this gospel 
can be somebody close to Jesus who was never mentioned 
elsewhere in the New Testament. I cannot accept that he 
could be a man forgotten by the tradition and by the Holy 
Spirit, never sanctified or canonized." I would answer: it 
is the Holy Spirit who wanted his activity to remain secret 
and mysterious for a double reason: (i) to give us an 
example to follow during the persecutions (of the spiritual 
Marxist tyranny) of our Jewish-dominated era and (ii) so 
that he could protect Mary during the Roman persecutions of 
the years 30-100. [Note to the English edition: Episode 11 
explains how the great tribulation may start around 2055]

If the Christian community is to remain alive up to the end 
time, we must follow the example of this great theologian 
incognito and therefore hide our identities and work in a 
stealth mode.  I provide below more details about his life 
in order to understand him better.

During the last supper, this disciple was seated closer to 
Jesus than Saint Peter. Peter has to go through him (Note 1) 
to ask Jesus who is the one who was going to betray Him 
(13:24). But it is clear in the New Testament that Peter is 
very often listed first when the apostles are mentioned 
(by Jesus). I don't think Jesus could have honored here 
another apostle more than Peter -- and in such a visible 
way. I thus think that he was not one of the apostles.  It 
is not without good reason that this disciple presents 
himself as a disciple and not as an apostle, even if the 
word "apostle" would have given more legitimacy and more 
weight to his gospel. At the time his gospel was written, 
the apostles already had a form of fame among the believers.  
Certain scholars claimed that this disciple was the owner of 
the house.

The high priest in Jerusalem knew this disciple so well that 
he was allowed to enter the courtyard of the high priest 
while Jesus was being questioned (18:15). This seems very 
unlikely for a Galilean fisherman of a relatively average 
social condition. He was so well known by the high priest 
that he was even able to talk to the doorkeeper to allow 
Peter to enter as well.

Most of the events presented in John's gospel take place 
close to Jerusalem (sometimes with a lot of detail about the 
city), while Jesus spent much more time in Galilee. This 
leads me to believe that he was a native of Jerusalem, since 
most of the apostles were from Galilee (see also Note 2).

I can not provide any solid proof, but I think the book of 
Revelation was also written by this incognito great 
theologian. The Revelation can be very useful to help us 
understand Jesus better, to be guided by His wisdom during 
these increasingly difficult modern times.  These times may 
culminate with the "great tribulation" of Revelation 7:14, 
as I discussed at point F of Episode 2. I have no proof 
(yet) that this great tribulation will start soon; I have 
only a fear fueled by intuitive perception [the note to the 
English edition five paragraphs above was introduced later, 
after having translated Episode 11 to English].  However, 
the existence of the book of Revelation shows us that Jesus 
thought about what we will go through during the End Times.  
If Europe had some chances 100 years ago to save its 
beautiful and ancient civilization using human means, that 
seems less and less possible today.

Note 1:
If Peter used this disciple as an intermediary to ask Jesus 
who was going to betray him (John 13:24), it was because he 
was certain that the betrayer was not this disciple himself. 
We don't have much information about the non-verbal 
communication during the Last Supper, about what could be 
read on each other's faces, about how they looked at each 
other. I favor the following thesis. The disciple was the 
owner of the house and he welcomed Jesus and the twelve 
apostles. Jesus had already done a lot of work with the 
twelve, and he placed the discussion in the continuation of 
that work with them. The disciple was not really a part of 
the team. So Jesus was rather addressing his team of twelve 
when he said, "Truly, truly, I say to you, one of you will 
betray me."

Note 2:
When Jesus entrusted his mother to this disciple, the gospel 
says (19:27) that "and from then on this disciple took her 
into his home". This is another indication that this 
disciple lived not far from Jerusalem, rather than in 
Galilee some 100km away. But, as it is often the case with 
the Bible, a single verse considered in isolation is not a 
fatal argument. The Bible could have used the above wording 
to express the idea in a more general way, i.e., even if 
Mary needed several weeks to move her belongings to Galilee. 
This last possibility is just less likely.

8.5 The thesis of John the Apostle

The most historically popular thesis is to attribute this 
gospel to John the apostle.  Each apostle worked according 
to his own personality and charisma. Paul never wanted to 
build on someone else's foundation (Rom 15:20).  John is 
almost the exact opposite. His gospel was written (long) 
after the first three gospels, so the purpose was to 
complete an existing work already known to the Christians of 
his time.

John the apostle never founded a church; he is the only 
apostle who died (maybe in the second century) of natural 
causes.  He must have had a more discreet activity, avoiding 
direct confrontation with the Roman authorities during the 
persecutions. These Roman persecutions were sometimes 
instigated by Jewish leaders, as described multiple times in 
the Acts of the Apostles (7:54, 9:23, 12:3, 13:45, 13:50, 
14:5, 17:5, *21:11*, 23:14, 24:1, 24:27, 25:2, 25:7, 25:15, 
26:2, 28:19). One can assume that he never went to some 
public area to shout "These Jews killed Jesus! They will do 
anything to suppress the believers in Christ!" He must also 
have used the written word more than Peter who favored the 
spoken word.

If we want to act in the image of this apostle, we must do 
our best to remain free all our life -- and therefore never 
get caught by the authorities. The martyred (apostles) had 
an essential role in the beginning of Christianity, but we 
live in another era when it is better to work like this 
beloved disciple.  Internet censorship is growing stronger 
worldwide. Some people publicly spoke against the Marxist 
dogmas of the ruling globalist powers. And very often, they
have paid dearly for it; certain are either dead or in jail.  
I think that this way of working, by publicly discussing 
ideas contrary to the will of the ruling world clique is not 
(or it is no longer) in line with the Christian spirit that 
should be followed in our time. It is wiser/smarter to hide 
one's identity and address -- and thus really avoid what is 
called "doxing" today. We had better work in a stealth 
fighter mode.

This is not the first time that the Bible suggests that it 
is better to keep a low profile if times are so evil.  The 
prophet Amos said (5:13) "So those who are wise will keep 
quiet; for it is an evil time".

Please notice: John the apostle is implicitly mentioned by 
the gospel of John, for he is one of the (two) sons of 
Zebedee. John 21:2 lists the sons of Zebedee among the 
apostles and the disciples who went out fishing. Supposing 
John the Apostle wrote this gospel with the intention of 
hiding his identity, he could have chosen not to mention 
himself among the people in the boat. He could have written 
"Peter was there with other apostles and two disciples". 
This is one more reason that pushes me towards the thesis of 
the incognito great theologian discussed in section 8.4.

8.6 Other less likely identities of the beloved disciple

There are in fact many hypotheses to explain the 
anonymization of this disciple often called John. The author 
of the second and third Epistles of John refers to himself 
as "John the Elder". A legend says that this man died in the 
same city as John the apostle (Ephesus), which adds to the 
mystery.  Revelation was written by a man named John who 
calls himself "God's servant". Personally, I think it is the 
same person that always tried to scramble all information 
regarding his identity.

Some have identified the beloved disciple with Lazarus, a 
man whom Jesus loved to tears (John 11:35). Others have 
proposed a mixed identification: the 5 mentions of the 
"disciple whom Jesus loved" do not refer to the same person. 
So all this remains very difficult to be clearly decoded.

Given the stress and anxiety of our modern era on sexual 
matters, it is not surprising that some have tried to 
identify (certain appearances of) this disciple with Mary 
Magdalene. Ancient Babylon was described by the great 
prophet Isaiah (47:8) as a "pleasure-crazy kingdom".  The 
Revelation of John (or of the incognito great theologian?) 
prevents us that the world Christ will find at His return 
will be a new Babylon (17:5, 18:21). This is entirely in 
line with our modern society's obsession with women.  
Notwithstanding, the fact that some artists -- including 
Leonardo da Vinci -- have projected their sexual anxieties 
or their confused imagination onto a female identity of this 
disciple confirms an important point: the identity of this 
disciple has always been a mystery!

====================        END        ====================

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